
Danebank’s Distance Learning Plan outlines how we will ensure that quality teaching and learning will continue at a distance for all our girls and families.  This plan will come into effect in the event of disruptions to our school such as weather, health related or other incidences. 


Our objective is to continue to provide excellent education to all our girls within 48 hours of an emergency, whether in the short or long term. 

Distance Learning Plan Link: Families and Students

The School will utilise the following mechanisms to communicate emergency information to families, staff, students and visitors to the campus, incorporating a variety of communication channels. This will be:

In the event that school is closed for a limited period of time, up to 48 hours after the closure of the campus will be allocated to teachers to set into motion their distance learning plans. 

In the event that school is closed for a limited period of time up to 48 hours after the closure of the campus will be allocated to teachers to set into motion their distance learning plans. During this time, students are encouraged to work on any upcoming assessment tasks, or to consolidate work by reading ahead and preparing study revision notes.

The transition to distance learning may be challenging for families. 

We encourage parents to think differently about how to support their daughters at this time and how to create structures and routines that allow their girls to be successful. In addition, please take time to consider how you might monitor and support your daughter’s learning. 

Some students will thrive with distance learning, while others may struggle. The guidelines provided below are intended to help parents think about what they can do to help their children find success in a distance learning environment.


Students' Roles & Responsibilities:

Contact Details

If your child is too unwell to study during the time the School campus is closed, email us: